
marzo 12, 2025     |






Scagliotti GV Evaluation of second-line treatment options in non-small cell lung cancer.
Seminars in Oncology 33 (1): S1-S2, 2006


De Petris L, Crinò L, Scagliotti GV, Gridelli C, Galetta D, Metro G, Novello S, Maione P, Colucci G, de Marinis F. Treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Annals of Oncology 17 (2) ii36-ii41, 2006 


Rapa I, Volante M, Cappia S, Rosas R, Scagliotti GV, Papotti M. Cathepsin K is selectively expressed in the stroma of lung adenocarcinoma but not in bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. A useful marker of invasive growth. Am J Clin Pathol 125: (6) 847-54, 2006


Scagliotti GV,  Szczesna A, Ramlau R, Cardenal F, Mattson, Van Zandwijk N, Price A, Lebeau B, Debus J, Manegold C. Docetaxel-based induction therapy prior to radiotherapy with or without docetaxel for non-small cell lung cancer. Br  J  Cancer 94: 1375-1382, 2006  


Scagliotti GV. Proteasome inhibitors in lung cancer. Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology 58: 177-189, 2006


Scagliotti GV, Novello S. Current status of adjuvant chemotherapy in NSCLC. Ann Oncol 17 Suupl 5: v62-v63, 2006


Ghio P, Cappia S, Selvaggi G, Novello S, Lausi P, Zecchina G, Papotti  M,  Borasio P, Scagliotti GV. Prognostic role of protease-activated receptors 1 and 4 in resected stage IB non-small cell lung cancer. Clin Lung Cancer 7(6):395-400, 2006 



Scagliotti GV, Novello S. The way forward: new drugs and new therapeutic strategies in lung cancer therapy. Clin Lung Cancer 7 Suppl 4:S109-110, 2006


Scagliotti GV. Can  advanced non-small cell lung cancer be treated with weekly instead of 3-weekly docetaxel? Nat Clin Pract Oncol 3(6): 294-295, 2006 


Cappuzzo F, Novello S, De Marinis F, Selvaggi G, Scagliotti GV, Barbieri F, Maur M, Papi M, Pasquini E, Bartolini S, Marini L, Crinò L. A randomized phase II trial evaluating standard (50 mg/min) versus low (10 mg/min) infusion duration of gemcitabine as first-line treatment in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients who are not eligible for platinum-based chemotherapy. Lung Cancer 52(3):319-325, 2006


Bovio S, Cataldi A, Reimondo G, Sperone P, Novello S, Berruti A, Borasio P, Fava C, Dogliotti L, Scagliotti GV, Angeli A, Terzolo M. Prevalence of adrenal incidentaloma in a contemporary computerized tomography series. J Endocrinol Invest 29(4): 298-302, 2006 


Saviozzi S,  Cordero F, Lo Iacono M, Novello S, Scagliotti GV, Calogero RA. Selection of suitable reference genes for accurate normalization of gene expression profile studies in non-small cell lung cancer. BMC Cancer 6(1): 200, 2006


Novello S, Baldini E. Women and lung cancer. Ann of Oncology 17 (suppl 2): ii79-ii82, 2006


Mantovani C, Novello S, Ragona R, Beltramo G, Figlioli FR, Ricardi U. Chemo-radiotherapy in lung cancer: state of the art with focus on the elderly population. Ann of Oncology 17 (suppl 2): ii61-ii63, 2006


De Petris L, Crinò L, Scagliotti GV, Gridelli C, Galetta D, Metro G, Novello S, Maione P, Colucci G, De Marinis F. Treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Ann of Oncology 17 (suppl 2): ii36-ii41, 2006


Socinski MA, Novello S, Sanchez JM, Brahmer JA, Govindan R, Belani CP, Atkins JN, Gillenwater HH, Palleres C, Chao RC. Efficacy and safety of sunitinib in previously treated, advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): preliminary results of a multicenter phase II trial. JCO 2006; 24, 18s part I of II. Abst 7001


Selvaggi G, Ceppi P, Volante M, Saviozzi S, Novello S, Calogero R, Capotti M, Scagliotti GV. ERCC1 and RRM1 but not EGFR expression is predictive of shorter survival in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). JCO 2006; 24, 18s part I of II. Abst 10030


Scagliotti GV, Kalebic T, Volante M, Cappia S, Novello S, Bacillo E, Borasio P, Chiusa L, Papotti M. Bone sialoprotein is predictive of bone metastases in resectable non-small cell lung cancer: a case-control study and prevalence data. JCO 2006; 24, 18s part I of II. Abst 7049


Ricardi U, Novello S, Cardinale L, Crida B, Perotto F, Sperone P, Borasio P. Extrapulmonary findings detected in a low-dose spiral computer tomography (sCT) early detection study for lung cancer (LC). JCO 2006; 24, 18s part I of II. Abst 7206.


Novello S, Giaj Levra M, Lausi P, Brizzi M, Selvaggi G, Sardo D, Borasio P, Dogliotti L, Fava C, Scagliotti GV. Five-years results of a non-randomized study evaluating spiral computed tomography (sCT) for early detection of lung cancer (LC). JCO 2006; 24, 18s part I of II. Abst 7210


Scagliotti GV, Novello S. The way forward: new drugs and new therapeutic strategies in lung cancer therapy. Clinical Lung Cancer, 2006 May; 7 Suppl 4: S109-10



Novello S, Giaj Levra M, Longo M, Selvaggi G, Crida B, Fva C, Borasio P, Dogliotti L, Priola S, Scagliotti GV. Five-year results of a feasibility study evaluating spiral computer tomography (sCT) for early detection of lung cancer (LC). European Respiratory Journal 2006. Vol 28, Suppl 50 ; abst. E795


Ceppi P, Volante M, Novello S, Rapa I, Danenberg KD, Danenberg PV, Cambieri A, Selvaggi G, Saviozzi S, Calogero R, Papotti M, Scagliotti GV.  ERCC1 and RRM1 gene expressions but not EGFR are predictive of shorter survivalin advanced non-small-cell lung cancer treated with cisplatin and gemcitabine.  Ann Oncol. 2006 Sep 15


Ceppi P, Volante M, Saviozzi S, Rapa I, Novello S, Cambieri A, Lo Iacono M, Cappia S, Papotti M, Scagliotti GV. Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung compared with other histotypes shows highermessenger RNA and protein levels for thymidylate synthase. Cancer. 2006 Oct 1; 107(7): 1589-96


Papotti M, Kalebic T, Volante M, Chiusa L, Bacillo E, Cappia S, Lausi P, Novello S, Borasio P, Scagliotti GV. Bone sialoprotein is predictive of bone metastases in resectable non-small cell lung cancer: a retrospective case-control study. JCO 2006 Oct 20; 24(30):4818-24


Novello S, Bruzzi P, Barone C, Buosi R, Masotti A, Michetti G, Fioretti M, Barbera S, Spatafora M, Garetto L, Mozzanti P, Dongiovanni V, Selvaggi G, Crinò L, Scagliotti GV. Phase III study in stage IV non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with two courses of cisplatin/gemcitabine followed by a radomization to three additional courses of the same combination or gemcitabine alone. Accepted on Ann Oncol 2007.


Novello S, Longo M, Giaj Levra M. Toward Therapies tailored to patient characteristics. Journal Thoracic Oncology, 2007; 2 suppl 1: 38-41. 


Cesare Gridelli, Carmine Ferrara, Ciro Guerriero, Salvatore Palazzo, Giuseppe Grasso, Ida Pavese, Francesco Satta, Emilio Bajetta, Diego Cortinovis, Fausto Barbieri, Vittorio Gebbia, Francesco Grossi, Silvia Novello, Editta Baldini, Giampietro Gasparini, Walter Latino, Emilia Durante, Lucio Giustizi, Cristina Negrini. Informal caregiving burden in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: the HABIT study. Journal of Thoracic Oncology; 2007: 2 (6): 475-480.


Giovanni Selvaggi, Paolo Ceppi, Matteo Giaj Levra, Silvia Novello, Marina Longo, Susanna Cappia, Mauro Papotti, Marco Volante, Giorgio V Scagliotti, ERCC1 and TOPOIIa mRNA levels predict response to platinum/etoposide chemotherapy and survival of small-cell lung cancer patients.. JTO, 2007, 8 (Suppl 4): abst


Giorgio V. Scagliotti, Silvia Novello,  Julie R. Brahmer,  Govindan, Ramaswamy Rosell, Rafael Belani, Chandra P. Atkins, James N. Tye, Lesley Chao, Richard Socinski, Mark A. A phase II study of continuous daily sunitinib dosing in patients with previously-treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). JTO, 2007, 8 (Suppl 4): abst


Novello, Silvia Ceribelli, Anna Casadio, Caterina Martelli, Olga Migliorino, Maria R. Longo, Marina Binato, Samuela Cappelletto, Enrica, Buosi, Roberta Felip, Enriqueta Preliminary data from a prospective case registry of European women with lung cancer: a WALCE (Women Against Lung Cancer in Europe) Project. JTO, 2007, 8 (Suppl 4): abst


Priola Adriano, M. Priola, Sandro M., Novello Silvia, Cataldi Aldo, Errico Luca, Garofalo Giorgio, Giaj Levra Matteo, Longo Marina, Capelletto Enrica, Fava Cesare. Factors affecting diagnostic accuracy of ct-guided transthoracic needle biopsy of lung lesions: results of 660 consecutive procedures. JTO, 2007, 8 (Suppl 4): abst


Novello Silvia, Tibaldi Carmelo, Scagliotti Giorgio V, Crinò Lucio,  Nardi Mario, De Marinis Filippo, Tinazzi Angelo, Russo Francesca, Rossi Simona, Rinaldi Massimo. Results of a multicenter randomized phase II trial of two different combinations of docetaxel (D) and gemcitabine (G) and of cisplatin/gemcitabine (CG) followed by docetaxel as first line therapy for locally advanced or metastatic non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).JTO, 2007, 8 (Suppl 4): abst


Novello Silvia, Giaj Levra Matteo, Cardinale Luciano, Brizzi Maria Pia, Sardo Diego, Crida Benedetta Lausi Paolo, Borasio Piero, Fava Cesare, Scagliotti Giorgio. V.Five-years results of a non-randomised study evaluating spiral computed tomography (sCT) for early detection of lung cancer (LC) JTO, 2007, 8 (Suppl 4): abst


L Cardinale, M. Giaj Levra, S. Novello, AM Priola, SM Priola, D. Sardo, C. Fava. Attualità sullo screening del tumore polmonare con tomografia computerizzata spirale a bassa dose. Minerva Pneumologica, vol 46, N 3: 235-42. 


Giachino DF, Ghio P, Regazzoni S, Mandrile G, Novello S, Selvaggi G, Gregori D, De Marchi M, Scagliotti GV. Prospective assessment of XPD Lys751Gln and XRCC1 Arg399Gln single nucleotide polymorphisms in lung cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2007 May 15;13(10):2876-81


Gridelli C, Ferrara C, Guerriero C, Palazzo S, Grasso G, Pavese I, Satta F, Bajetta E, Cortinovis D, Barbieri F, Gebbia V, Grossi F, Novello S, Baldini E, Gaspariniv G, Latino W, Durante E, Giustini L, Negrini C. Informal caregiving burden in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: the HABIT study. J Thorac Oncol. 2007 Jun;2(6):475-80. Erratum in: J Thorac Oncol. 2007 Jul;2(7):676.


Socinski MA, Novello S, Brahmer JR, Rosell R, Sanchez JM, Belani CP, Govindan R, Atkins JN, Gillenwater HH, Pallares C, Tye L, Selaru P, Chao RC, Scagliotti GV

Multicenter, phase II trial of sunitinib in previously treated, advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2008 Feb 1;26(4):650-6.


Cullen MH, Zatloukal P, Sorenson S, Novello S, Fisher JR, Joy AA, Zereu M, Peterson P, Visseren-Grul CM, Iscoe N. A randomized phase III trial comparing standard and high-dose pemetrexed as second-line treatment in patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol. 2008 Feb 17


Marina Longo, MD,* Matteo Giaj Levra, MD,* Enrica Capelletto, MD,* Andrea Bille`, MD,†

Francesco Ardissone, MD,† Ubaldo Familiari, MD,‡ and Silvia Novello, MD, PhD*

Fetal Adenocarcinoma of the Lung in a 25-Year-Old. Woman. Journal of Thoracic Oncology • Volume 3, Number 4, April 2008


S. Novello, S Saviozzi, P Ceppi, M Longo, E Cappelletto, M Giaj Levra, B Crida, M Volante, SG Rapetti, M Papotti, GV Scagliotti. Gender differences in the expression of double strand break genes in early non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. JTO Vol 3, N°4, Apr 2008; 92PD.


S. Novello, M Volante, L Righi, F Ardissone, GV Scagliotti, P Ceppi, M Giaj Levra, M Longo, E Cappelletto, M Papotti Mammalian Target of rapamycin (MTOR) signalling activation pattenrs in neuroendocrine tumors of the lung. JTO Vol 3, N°4, Apr 2008; 271P.


GV Scagliotti, S. Novello, JR Brahmer, R Rosell, JM Sanchez, CP Belani, R Govindan, JN Atkins, MA Socinski. Efficacy and safety of two sunitinib (SU) dosing schedules in previously treated, advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). JTO Vol 3, N°4, Apr 2008; 197PD.


GV Scagliotti, S Novello. I Tumori Broncopolmonari. Estratto da Trattato di Medicina Interna. Paolo La rizza. Volume V Tomo II. Malattie dell’apparato respiratorio. Piccin Nuova Libraria, Padova 2008.


Luisella Righi, Marco Volante, Veronica Tanaglione, Rosj Rosas, Pierluigi Fiosso, Silvia Novello, Francesco Ardissone, Mauro Patti. Mammalian target of rapamycin (MTOR) signaling activation patterns in neuroendocrine tumors of the lung. Virchows Archiv 2008; 452 (suppl 1) S15.


Paolo Ceppi, Marina Longo, Marco Volante, Silvia Novello, Susanna Cappia, Elisa Bacillo, Giovanni Selvaggi, Silvia Saviozzi, Raffaele Calogero, Mauro Papotti, Giorgio V. Scagliotti. Excision Repair Cross Complementing -1 and Topoisomerase II Gene Expression in Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients treated with platinum and etoposide. JTO 2008, Vol 3, N 6: 583-9.


G Peng, RG Zinner, Y Wang, J Treat, M Monberg, CK Obasaju, RS Herbst, S Novello, GV Scagliotti. Comparison of patient outcomes stratified by histology among pemetrexed (P)-treated patients (pts) with stage IIIB/IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in two phase II studies. JCO, vol 26, N 15S, abst 8096.


FL Pimentel, J von Pawel, RG Martins, S Novello, J Douillard, M. O’Brien, AM Liepa, L Simms. Resource utilization by non-small cell lung cancer histology: results from the randomized phase III trial of pemetrexed/cisplatin versus Gemcitabine/cisplatin. JCO, vol 26, N 15S, abst 8097.


DD Karp, LG Paz Ares, S Novello, P Haluska, L Garland, F Cardenal, LJ Blankely, PD Eisenberg, A Gualberto, CJ Langer. High activity of the anti IGF-IR antibody CP-751, 871 in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin in squamous NSCLC. JCO, vol 26, N 15S, abst 8015.


U Ricardi, S Novello, E Pelosi, M Giaj Levra, G Selvaggi, M Longo, E Cappelletto, B Crida, SG Rapetti, GV Scagliotti. Pilot study of early repeated 18f-FDG PET during cycle 1 to predict objective response to chemotherapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). JCO, vol 26, N 15S, abst 8003.


Novello S, Vavalà T. Lung Cancer and Women.

Future Oncology 2008 4 (5): 705-716.  


Pastorino U, Borasio P, Francese M, Miceli R, Calabrò E, Solli P, Leo F, Novello S, Scagliotti G, Mariani Lung cancer stage is an independent risk factor for surgical mortality.

Tumori 2008;94(3):362-9. IF 0.791 med IF 2.724


Hirsch FR, Spreafico A, Novello S, Dugan Wood M, Simms L, Papotti M.

The Prognostic and Predictive Role of Histology in Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. A Literature Review

J. Thoracic Oncol. 2008; 3 (12): 1468- 1481.   IF 3.508, med IF Oncology: 2.724, med respiratory system: 2.072


Paolo Ceppi, Silvia Novello,Alberto Cambieri, Marina Longo, ValentinaMonica, Marco Lo Iacono,

Matteo Giaj-Levra,Silvia Saviozzi, MarcoVolante, Mauro Papotti, and Giorgio Scagliotti

Polymerase HmRNAExpression Predicts Survival of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Platinum-Based Chemotherapy. Clin Cancer Res 2009; 15(3) : 1039-1045 IF: 6.488 med IF 2.724 1039 February 1, 2009


Daniele L, Cassoni P, Bacillo E, Cappia S Righi L, Volante M, Tondat F, Inghirami G, SapinoA, Scagliotti GV, Papotti M, Novello S

Epidermal growth factor receptor gene in primary tumor and metastatic sites from non small cell lung cancer.

J. Thor. Oncol. 2009; 4(6): 684-8 IF: 3.508 med IF Oncology: 2.724, med respiratory system: 2.072


Scagliotti GV, Longo M , Novello S.

Lung Cancer in never smokers.

Curr. Opin. Oncol 2009; 21 (2) :99-104. IF: 4.116 med IF 2.724 


Novello S, Falcone A, Crinò L, Rinaldi M, Nardi M, De Marinis F, Tonato M,Tinazzi A, Russo F, Grassivaro N, Scagliotti GV

Randomised multicenter phase II study of two schedules of docetaxel and gemcitabine or cisplatin/gemcitabine followed by docetaxel as first line treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer.

Lung Cancer 2009; 66(3): 327-32. IF: 2.970 med IF 2.724


Karp DD, Paz-Ares LG, Novello S, Haluska P, Garland L, Cardenal F, Blakely LJ, Eisenberg PD, Langer CJ,Blumenschein Jr G, Johnson FM, Green S, Gualberto A.

Phase II Study of the Anti–Insulin-Like Growth Factor Type 1 Receptor Antibody CP-751,871 in Combination With Paclitaxel and Carboplatin in Previously Untreated, Locally Advanced, or Metastatic Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer.

J. Clin. Oncol. 2009; 27 (15): 2516-2522. IF: 17.157 med IF 2.724


DD Karp,S Novello,F Cardenal,P Haluska,LJ Blakely,L Garland,LG Paz-Ares,MP Dolled-Filhart,ED Johnson,A Gualberto. Continued High Activity of Figitumumab (CP-751,871) Combination Therapy in Squamous Lung Cancer . ASCO 2009.


Giorgio V. Scagliotti, Valentina Monica, Paolo Ceppi, Luisella Righi, Alberto Cambieri, Marco Volante, Silvia Novello, Enrica Capelletto, Mauro Papotti. Baseline Thymidylate Synthase Expression According to Histological Subtypes in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer . ASCO 2009


Campagnoli C, Abbà C, Ambroggio S, Peris C, Capelletto E, Novello S.

Terapie ormonali in menopausa e cancro del polmone.

J. Gyn. Obst, 2009; 21 (1): 11-17. 


Cardinale L, Ardissone F, Novello S, Busso M, Solitro F, Longo M, Sardo D, Giors M, Fava C.

The pulmonary nodule: clinical and radiological characteristics affecting a diagnosis of malignancy.

Radiol Med. 2009;114(6): 871-889. IF: 0.955 med IF 1.946


Scagliotti GV, Ceppi P, Capelletto E, Novello S.

Updated clinical information on multitargeted antifolates in lung cancer.

Clin Lung Cancer. 2009 Mar;10 (Suppl 1):S35-40. IF: 2.393 med IF 2.724


Novello S , Scagliotti GV, Rosell, Socinski RMA, Brahmer J, Atkins J, Pallares C , Burgess R , Tye L, Selaru P, Wang E , Chao R,  Govindan. 

Phase II study of continuous daily sunitinib dosing in patients with previously treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer.                                                                                                                                   

Br. J. Cancer 2009;101(9):1543- 8.    IF 4.846   med IF 2.724


Monica V, Scagliotti GV, Ceppi P, Righi L, Cambieri A, Lo Iacono M, Saviozzi S, Volante M, Novello S, Papotti M.

Differential Thymidylate Synthase Expression in Different Variants of Large-Cell Carcinoma of the Lung.  

Clin Cancer Res. 2009;15(24):7547-7552. IF: 6.488 med IF 2.724


Saviozzi S, Ceppi P, Novello S, Ghio P, Lo Iacono M, Borasio P, Cambieri A, Volante M, Papotti M, Calogero R, Scagliotti GV.

Non-small cell lung cancer exhibits transcript overexpression of genes associated with homologous recombination and DNA replication pathways.

Cancer Research April 15 2009; 69:(8) IF: 7.514 med IF 2.714


U Pastorino, Elisa Calabrò, Elena Tamborini, Alfonso Marchianò, Marta Orsenigo, Alessandra Fabbri, Gabriella Sozzi, Silvia Novello, Filippo DeMarinis. Prolonged remission of disseminated atipica adenomatous hyperplasia under gefitinib. JTO Vol 4, 2: 266-267, 2009.


M Hixon,A Gualberto,L Demers,LG Paz-Ares,S Novello,LJ Blakely,CJ Langer,A Lipton,M Pollak,DD Karp. Plasma levels of free insulin-like growth factor Ipredict the clinical benefit of the IGF-IR inhibitor figitumumab (CP-751,871). ASCO 2009.


S Novello, L Abrey, F Grossi, C Camps, J Mazieres, P Selaru, S Patyna, Y Torigoe, R Chao, G Scagliotti. Administration of Sunitinib to Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer and Irradiated Brain Metastases: a Phase II Trial. ASCO 2009.


Giorgio Vittorio Scagliotti, MD, Paolo Ceppi, BSc, Silvia Novello, MD, PhD, and Mauro Papotti, MD. Chemotherapy Treatment Decisions in Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Based on Histology. ASCO 2009 Educational Book.

S Novello, G V Scagliotti, R Rosell, M A Socinski, J Brahmer, J Atkins, C Pallares, R Burgess, L Tye, P Selaru, E Wang, R Chao and R Govindan. Phase II study of continuous daily sunitinib dosing in patients with previously treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer. BJC 2009 Nov 3;101(9):1543-8. Epub 2009 Oct 13.


Ceppi P, Papotti M, Monica V, Iacono ML, Saviozzi S, Pautasso M, Novello S, Mussino S, Bracco E, Volante M, Scagliotti GV. Effects of Src kinase inhibition induced by dasatinib in non-small cell lung cancer cell lines treated with cisplatin. Mol Cancer Ther. 2009 Oct 27.


Ralph G. Zinner, Silvia Novello, Guangbin Peng, Roy Herbst, Coleman Obasaju, Giorgio Scagliotti. Comparison of patient outcomes according to histology among pemetrexed-treated patients with stage IIIB/IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in two phase II trials. Clinical Lung Cancer 2010 (11): 126-131.


Scagliotti G, Novello S, von Pawel J, Reck M, Pereira JR, Thomas M, Abrão Miziara JE, Balint B, De Marinis F, Keller A, Arén O, Csollak M, Albert I, Barrios CH, Grossi F, Krzakowski M, Cupit L, Cihon F, Dimatteo S, Hanna N. Phase III study of carboplatin and paclitaxel alone or with sorafenib in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Apr 10;28(11):1835-42.


Monica V, Scagliotti GV, Ceppi P, Righi L, Cambieri A, Lo Iacono M, Saviozzi S, Volante M, Novello S, Papotti M. Differential Thymidylate Synthase Expression in Different Variants of Large-Cell Carcinoma of the Lung. Clin Cancer Res. 2009 Dec 15;15(24):7547-7552.



Giuseppe Luigi Banna, Massimo Di Maio, Alessandro Follador, Elena Collovà, Jessica Menis,Silvia Novello, Emilio Bria, on behalf of ISA Co-Authors.  Italian Survey on Adjuvant treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (ISA). Lung Cancer 2010

Wang-Gillam A, Williams K, Novello S, Gao F, Scagliotti GV, Govindan R. Time to activate lung cancer clinical trials and patient enrollment: a representative comparison study between two academic centers across the atlantic. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Aug 20;28(24):3803-7. Epub 2010 Jul 19.


Gualberto A, Hixon ML, Karp DD, Li D, Green S, Dolled-Filhart M, Paz-Ares LG, Novello S, Blakely J, Langer CJ, Pollak MN.Pre-treatment levels of circulating free IGF-1 identify NSCLC patients who derive clinical benefit from figitumumab. Br J Cancer. 2010 Nov 23


Fidias P, Novello S. Strategies for prolonged therapy in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Dec 1;28(34):5116-23.

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